Saturday, January 1, 2011

Solar Panels For Your Home

Are you considering installing solar panels for your home or business? Solar panels can be a great investment that not only saves you money and increases the value of your property, but also helps the environment while it's helping your wallet and bank account.

Solar power is fast becoming price competitive with conventional energy sources, and in states like California, New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, and more, there are great rebates and incentives in place to compensate you for the power you produce and help offset your initial investment cost. There are also an expanding number of solar financing options and in many cases you can get solar panels installed on your home and be cash flow positive on your investment within the first year!

As the solar industry has grown and matured over the last decade, the cost to put solar panels on your home have decreased significantly, dropping over 40% in just the last few years. There's never been a better time to make the move to solar for renewable clean energy for your home or business. The section below describes what you need to consider as to determine whether solar is the right choice for you.
Energy Efficiency of Your Home

Have you made the low cost, easy to implement changes that can reduce your energy bill before you replace your utility company with a clean, renewable solar panel system? Taking simple steps like switching to CFL light bulbs, energy star appliances, using smart power strips that turn off electronics when not in use, and making sure your windows, door, and insulation are keeping your energy inside can make a huge difference in your energy usage. It's called Demand Management. If you haven't made these changes yet, there are professionals who conduct an energy audit on your home, and can show you how to cut down your costs.
Your Home's Roof

Does your home have unobstructed south facing roof space? That's the ideal setting for solar panels, but often times an east-west roof with good exposure, or even a ground mounted system if you have an unobstructed area can work just as well. You'll just want to make sure there isn't any shading at any point of the day on the surface you intend to install solar panels on, because it can reduce the effectiveness of your system.

Solar Cost

Do you know how much installing solar panels for your home is likely to cost and what rebates and incentives are available? You can use the solar calculator on the right to find out what a system specific to your needs would cost you.
Free Home Solar Consultation

If you'd like a free consultation regarding solar energy, just fill out the quick information at the top of the page or call us at (866) 485-2757. Cooler Planet's solar team can help you decide if an investment in solar is right for you!